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Open access books

Did you know that you now have an Open Access (OA) book-publishing option with Elsevier? If you are interested, please submit your book proposal.

What are my book open access options?

Gold open access


Publish in an open access book


Public access is the final published e-bookAccess is immediateA print on demand (POD) version of the book will also be made available to purchase


Open access publication fee is paid by the author or by a third party on their behalf, for example, by their institution or funding bodyThe Book Publishing Charge is $1,700 per chapter in an edited work or $17,000 for an authored title, excluding tax


Open access books are made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (find out more about copyright licenses)


No royalty is paid on the open access e-book, but authors will receive a royalty from sales of the POD version

Authors wishing to self-archive book chapters can continue to reach out to Global Rights to seek the relevant permission.