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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Clarification of our policy on prior publication

2016년 1월 27일 | 2분 읽기

저자: Gemma Hersh

Addressing a question that has arisen recently from both editors and authors

We understand that authors and institutions appreciate clarity on publisher policies on prior publication and how these might sit alongside institutional requirements for authors to deposit their e-theses.

To avoid any doubt, Elsevier does not count publication of an academic thesis as prior publication. You can find further information on our policy regarding prior publications here >> or view the summary below.


Elsevier Policy on prior publication

Elsevier welcomes submissions from authors and will consider these for publication where work has not previously been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.  Elsevier does not view the following prior uses of a work as prior publication:

  • Publication in the form of an abstract

  • Publication as an academic thesis

  • Publication as an electronic preprint

Some journals may also consider for publication works that have been previously published as part of a published lecture. Further information on each journal’s prior publication policies is included within the journal’s Guide for Authors.

Please note:

Cell Press(새 탭/창에서 열기), The Lancet(새 탭/창에서 열기), and some society-owned titles have different policies on prior publication. Information on these is available on the journal homepage.


Gemma Hersh


Gemma Hersh