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Hiring process

We need talented people to do purposeful that will help save and change lives.

Diverse and creative multiethnic business group

Look inside our hiring process

While our application process varies from team to team and location to location, this is an overview of our recruitment process with some tips to help you along the way.

Application and screening

To determine if an application is a good match, we review it for several criteria, including skills and experience. You will then be asked to have a phone or video call with the recruitment team to determine if you are to be interviewed by the hiring manager or the other members of the team that you will join.

Tips from the hiring team

Check before you send

Your cover letter is the first thing our recruiters will see from you. Watch out for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Identify your ideal role

Make sure you study the job description and department you are applying for and tailor your resume and cover letter accordingly.

Work smarter

LinkedIn's resume analysis tools can save you time by auto-populating your resume. Verify that the correct information has been selected by the tool.

Application process and screening


We want to know more than just your resume, we conduct online interviews to get to know you better. Take every opportunity to know the job better, who Elsevier is, and show us who you really are.

Typically there are two rounds of interviews with the hiring manager and others, such as your potential future team member. There may also be technical interviews for some roles.

Tips from the hiring team

Be yourself

We want to get to know the real candidate. We want to know more than just your resume and value what makes you unique.

Look at the team

Each job description provides an overview of the team and what they do. Take a moment to learn more about Elsevier's different teams.

Do research

Before your interview, research the people you'll be talking to. LinkedIn is a great place to start. Prepare a number of questions for each interviewer.

Woman offering mortgage advise to a client


Finalists will be asked to complete a range of assessments and exercises. These could be presentations, case study exercises or technical tests such as coding.

Tips from the hiring team

Ask questions about what to expect

Feel free to ask the employer about the test. Every company uses a different strategy to assess employees and you will want to know.

Practice and prepare well

You may have heard people say there is no way to prepare for an assessment, but that is not true. If you practice, you know what to expect, and you know what you should pay attention to.

Male programmer working at home

Decision and offer

After the whole process, from application to assessments, we'll make an offer to the candidate we feel is the best for the role and the best fit with the team.

Tips from the hiring team

Be patient

A recruiter will contact you if you have successfully passed the recruitment process, which may take longer than expected.

Review the specifications

Read through the description. It's important to feel confident about the work and satisfied with your responsibilities.

Review the offer

Think about how the job fits into your personal life and needs. Review the job offer and speak with HR if you need more information.

Two business women shaking hands

Frequently asked questions

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