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Interfolio: Scholar-First Products for Full Academic Lifecycle
Discover how the innovative Interfolio Faculty Information System (FIS) streamlines academic career processes, enabling institutions to achieve their strategic goals while empowering faculty for success.
Scholar-centric platform to drive strategic impact for academic leaders
Gain insights into your institution’s most valuable asset
The Faculty Information System provides visibility into your faculty’s accomplishments that allows you to drive strategic alignment and demonstrate your institution’s impact—ultimately driving rank and revenue for your university.
Drive faculty engagement and reinvest time in teaching, research, and service
Regain thousands of valuable hours back every year for your faculty and administrative staff. The Faculty Information System improves efficiency and effectiveness in hiring, promoting, and managing faculty across their careers while informing budget and workforce planning.
Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at all moments of the academic lifecycle
The Faculty Information System enables consistent, equitable practices for faculty career progression and monitoring of diversity data and trends.
A trusted partner
Over 400 higher education institutions—including 15 of the top 20 US institutions as ranked by US News & World Report— trust the Faculty Information System for hiring and recruitment, academic appointments and timelines, activity data reporting, and faculty reviews and promotions.. A sample of our clients include:
Handle the whole academic recruitment process — including the job board and applications, confidential letters, fair committee review, diversity data, and the rest.
Interfolio review, promotion & tenure
Conduct all your academic professional evaluations online, efficiently and securely — no more thumb drives, homegrown systems, or constantly managing file access.
Interfolio faculty activity reporting
Power CVs, workload reports, accreditation and other academic storytelling — drawing on millions of records through the unique Interfolio Data Service.
Interfolio lifecycle management
Visualize scholar career paths, understand upcoming faculty career milestones and track academic appointments across the institution.
"We are developing more effective, sustainable, and equitable relationships with our communities. Interfolio is part of how universities like ours tell this story."
Tami Benham-Deal, PED
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel at University of Wyoming
University leaders: Gain insights, equity, and efficiency into your faculty and academic work and advance your institution.