Nursing Students
Succeed in nursing school and become practice-ready
Study and learn more effectively with nursing education products from Elsevier to help you succeed in school and beyond.
Solutions for Nursing Students
Build vital knowledge for stronger clinical judgment
Bring book content to life with personalized, mobile-optimized learning and thousands of high-quality, NGN-type practice questions at your fingertips.
Nursing Education SolutionsNew to the Elsevier suite of resources: introducing Osmosis
Explore the ultimate nursing fundamentals learning resource from Osmosis, which includes 1,200+ videos, 1,100+ NCLEX questions and much more.
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Master the electronic health record
Learn in a realistic, controlled method to perfect electronic charting, clinical judgment and thrive in the hospital setting.
Recommended products:
Apply and strengthen clinical judgment with hands-on, clinical practice
Combine the power of screen-based, patient conversation simulation with hands-on patient care via virtual reality.
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Assess and review your knowledge with on-going practice and exam resources
A one-stop portal for nursing education resources from Elsevier
Student resources specifically created to accompany your textbook — and available with your content purchase.