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Engineering Village has the search, analytics and navigation tools that engineers need. Users can:
Stay up to date: Identify the latest and most relevant research with advanced, engineering-specific tagging
Find answers: Explore content curated for engineers, from peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings to standards and reliable data to learn from the findings of leading engineers worldwide
Make an impact: Uncover opportunities for technology transfer and scale-up of new technologies into further research and practice
Inside Engineering Village
Home of premium engineering databases like Compendex and Inspec, Engineering Village includes journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, technical standards, trade magazines, technical reports and engineering information.
It's ideal for supporting the varying engineering research initiatives that academic institutions, corporations and government agencies face every day.
Engineering Village gives students easy access to engineering-specific knowledge, terminology, technical standards, and the latest developments and trends. Support learning goals by incorporating Engineering Village into your classroom.